Baby Moves Narrated Course

Developmental Movement and Eye Tracking in the First Six Months

This Baby Moves Module is based on documented baby research by Beverly and her second book Your Self-Motivated Baby in the First Six Months. Beverly has developed a unique, integrated developmental movement framework for understanding a baby’s motor development and eye tracking abilities in the first six months.

By actively participating in this interactive module, you will learn about Beverly’s integrated approach to the baby’s physical, visual, and cognitive development through movement. Our courses for educators are based on three fundamental areas, embodied movement, expressive communication and exploratory learning, and the instructor’s experience coaching parents with babies.

1 1/2 Hrs.

USD $59.00

Babies are eager to move for the physical pleasure they experience. Research shows the baby’s fundamental movement foundation in the first six months is essential for all their future learning.

You will learn:

  • The movement essentials that form the physical foundation for the development of the baby’s body awareness, visual attention, and movement coordination.
  • The importance of the baby’s physical learning and brain-body connections your baby is making by moving in more complex ways.
  • The value of the parent-baby FloorMoves sessions that encourages how baby’s learn to move and move to learn.
  • 9 Parent/Baby Activities are included in the program.
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