1-6 Months

In ABA’s Online Pre-Locomotion Program, Beverly Stokes integrates her baby movement research and analysis to provide a developmental movement framework for how baby’s learn to move, interact, and explore to learn.

7-13 Months

In ABA’s Online Locomotion Program, Beverly Stokes integrates her baby movement research and analysis of the baby’s developmental movement patterns, social interactions, and spatial explorations in their expanding world.


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The Amazing Babies Academy provides online programs, and a selection of online courses, learning videos, books and theme packages. Our programs, courses and products are designed to provide baby movement research for early childhood educators, infant professionals, movement educators, parents and caregivers, through a comprehensive understanding and experience of the developmental movement patterns. The developmental movement patterns provide the essential foundation for babies to become dynamic explorers, expressive communicators, and self-motivated learners.


& Beverly Stokes

"Beverly Stokes' new online parenting courses, as with all her previous work, is based on an incredible accumulation of observation data. With the collection of video offerings and clear, insightful commenting, parents, teachers, and professionals can obtain a body of developmental information, helpful in those moments of questioning and of choosing their approach to working with parents and babies, and for parents with their own child. Being based on so many hours of direct observation of infants and toddlers adds validity to Beverly's helpful suggestions."

Judi Orion - Birth to Three Teacher Trainer for the Association Montessori Internationale

I'm delighted to share video excerpts from three Zoom Presentations I did with Gregory Kitchener, O.D. Pediatric Optometrist on the iHeart VT/Vision and Learning Platform.

"One of the things I've always enjoyed about Beverly's descriptions and the videos and photos that's she's taken is her focus is on the purposefulness of the movement, the developmental patterns but it's guided by purpose, and to understand it is what makes the observations much more meaningful, salient type of thing."

Dr. Gregory Kitchener, O.D. - Pediatric Optometrist

The first two sessions included selected video vignettes from Beverly's baby research in the Pre-Locomotion and Locomotion Online Programs. The third session included video vignettes from her Amazing Toddlers' video. The Pre-Locomotion Program, Locomotion Program, and Amazing Toddlers video can be purchased in the Shop.


1-6 Months


7-13 Months


1-2 Years

"The Amazing Babies Academy Pre-Locomotion program is excellent! The course material clearly shows the need for activating the babies looking process in action which is so critical in everything from curiosity, to communication, to full movement. Stokes shows how the critical stages in early vision development can be incorporated into the parent's everyday eye-tracking and movement activities with their baby. For the baby's vision development, it is vitally important that parents put down their cell phones and take the time to engage their baby!!"

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